Europe Can the burning of the Quran be banned and who is behind it?by MENA Research Center 4:04 PM - 22 August, 2023
Europe Revaluation of Turkish extremism by German politiciansby MENA Research Center 1:18 PM - 21 August, 2023
Europe In Germany, the pressure for a ban on the extremist “Gray Wolves” is growing – at the same time, athletes are showing their closeness to ultra-nationalistsby MENA Research Center 2:03 PM - 18 August, 2023
Europe The Empire Strikes Back: Muslim Brotherhood sees itself as the victim of a smear campaign by the Emiratesby MENA Research Center 4:47 PM - 17 August, 2023
Europe Sweden’s NATO entry: Russia’s influence and a scandal over bribes paid to Erdogan’s familyby MENA Research Center 1:36 PM - 10 August, 2023
Europe Human smuggling and red carpet in Europe: The system of the Libyan warlordsby MENA Research Center 2:18 PM - 8 August, 2023
Europe Poland is not ready to change its stance on migrationby MENA Research Center 3:38 PM - 7 August, 2023
Europe Quran burnings in Europe: freedom of expression versus protection of religionby MENA Research Center 2:35 PM - 5 August, 2023