In Germany, everyone has a legal right to equal treatment. No one may be disadvantaged because of their origin, religion, gender, or sexuality. However, the reality on German streets looks different for many minorities. In particular, Muslims have faced increasing hostility for years. According to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in 2024, 68 percent of them reported experiencing racist discrimination—one of the highest rates in the EU.
It is difficult to reliably determine how many such incidents actually occur in Germany. Until now, the documentation of such cases has primarily been handled by civil society organizations. In North Rhine-Westphalia, a new state reporting center for anti-Muslim racism has been launched to shed more light on the issue. At the same time, reporting centers for queer discrimination, antigypsyism, and racism against Black and Asian people have also started operating. However, according to the responsible ministry, “The reporting centers do not assess incidents for criminal relevance, nor do they have any prosecutorial or sanctioning authority.”
The primary goal is simply to understand the extent of the problem. Victims still have to seek out the police or legal assistance on their own. Human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW) have criticized the rise of “anti-Muslim racism”—a somewhat misleading term—in Germany. According to HRW, there is no working definition for this form of racism, no official data, and no institutional investment to support those affected. Ultimately, the German government lacks the recognition that this is indeed a form of racism, rather than just religious hostility. The Bertelsmann Foundation’s Religion Monitor concluded in 2023 that Islam is perceived as particularly threatening by many people.
A recent NGO report found that in 2023, there were an average of five anti-Muslim crimes, insults, or discrimination incidents per day in Germany. In most cases, the discrimination targeted individuals—primarily women. However, the report does not include discriminatory flyers, posters, or online hate speech. The total of 1,926 recorded cases is considered just the “tip of the iceberg,” as many incidents go unreported. Some victims remain unaware of the reporting centers, while others see racism as normalized and are unfamiliar with their rights. Many also avoid contacting the police out of fear, lack of trust in state authorities, or previous negative experiences with institutions.
According to the findings of the Independent Expert Group on Anti-Muslim Racism, this form of discrimination is not a marginal phenomenon but is widespread in German society. Experts welcome initiatives like the reporting center in North Rhine-Westphalia but emphasize: “Racism does not only exist on an individual level; it is also structurally and institutionally embedded.” Therefore, reporting centers should be closely linked to civil society and academic institutions. At least in this regard, there is progress—the new facility in NRW is operated by two regional associations. According to the ministry, its findings will be analyzed based on scientific criteria, with the first annual report expected in 2026.